Apartments for sale in Duingt

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Apartments for sale in Duingt

Buy an apartment in Duingt

Nicknamed rightly the pearl of the lake, the village of Duingt has a heritage of great wealth. With its three castles, its enchanting peninsula and its medieval streets, it offers a living environment that you never tire of. Its ideal position on Lake Annecy and its tourist attractions make Duingt a site of choice for a rental investment as for a second home project. New apartments in a recent residence overlooking the lake or charming renovated apartments in the old village will fill your stay in Duingt. Some properties offer private access to the lake. Others offer an exceptional view of the Duingt Peninsula and Ruphy Castle. Very popular, the bright apartments located on the road of the Maladière benefit from an impregnable position on the lake facing the banks of Angon. Route du Vignet, it is the rock of Chère which offers itself in panorama. From your apartment in Duingt, located in the old town or in a hamlet like the Perris, discover also the surroundings of the castle of Héré and the cave Notre Dame du lac. By taking the path of the belvedere that goes up to the cave, you easily join the hiking trails on the Taillefer: many invigorating walks in perspective, in the heart of breathtaking landscapes! Discover our apartments for sale in Haute Savoie in the town of Duingt. properties Traductions de property NomFréquence lapropriété property, estate, homestead, domain l'accessoire accessory, appurtenance, addition, property lesbiens goods, property, estate, possessions, asset, things l'immobiliers real estate, property lesterres property lesbiens personnels personal property, property, personal estate Définitions de property Nom 1 a thing or things belonging to someone; possessions collectively. There are others who break into vehicles and steal other people's property and make residents feel unsafe in their own community. Synonymes: possessionsbelongingsthingseffectsstuffgearchattelsmovablesresourcesassetsvaluablesfortunecapitalricheswealthpersonaltygoods and chattels 2 an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something. The characteristic property of membrane proteins is their intimate contact with lipids. Synonymes: qualityattributecharacteristicfeaturepowertraitmarkhallmark Synonymes de property Nom building(s)qualitypossessionsholdingpropdimensionplace 31 autres synonymes Voir aussi propertypropertie